Recommended books

I've always loved to read. I just wish I had more time for it! Take a look for some of my suggestions and personal favorites.

Personal Finance & Investing

The basics and classics (apart from prosperlyway, of course). Rich Dad Poor Dad is the quintessential personal finance book and a must-read. The Intelligent Investor is not for the faint of heart, so I would not recommend it for a complete newbie. But for those interested in value investing in the stock market, Ben Graham is the go-to source.

Dale Carnegie is a wizard. When I first heard the title of his award-winning book, I thought it sounded a bit slimy. But the book is chock full of helpful tips for earning trust in a genuine way.

Behavioral Economics

I absolutely love behavioral economics. Having studied a combination of finance and psychology, these authors really speak to me. If the oddities of everyday situations sounds entertaining, give these books a try. You just might gain a new perspective on your own thought process, and even catch yourself making a decision that isn't in your best (rational) interest!

Career & Motivation

There are few books that put a fire in my belly like the 4-Hour Workweek. Although I wouldn't necessarily use it as a "how to" guide to finding independence, it does a great job illustrating why the traditional "life model" is broken. If you find yourself dreading the next 40 years sitting at a desk, or no longer find meaning in your career, I couldn't recommend it more. I'll be surprised if it doesn't light a fire in your belly too.


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